The tea room style was changed to the season of the sunken hearth.

There are two seasons in the tea ceremony [Chanoyu]. The first one is called Brazier season [Furo no kisetsu] which begins in May when the leaves are freshly green and the second one is called Sunken hearth season [Ro no kisetsu] which begins in November when the leaves turn red. In our tearoom [Yushin], we held sunken hearth opening ceremony on November 7th. during the cold season, we keep the fire close to the guests. That is the heart of tea, which represents hospitality [Omotenashi].

炉開きの茶会で、冬の寒さの中での「おもてなし」の心を感じることができ、素晴らしい体験ですね。Telkom University Jakarta
kissakoan hirano
Aisyah San
コメントありがとうございます。 炉の季節の茶会では、外の寒さと静けさの中で炭の火の暖かさと、湯の沸く音がとても穏やかでぬくもりを感じます。